Each year many of us make New Year resolutions knowing full well that we are going to try to uphold our promises to ourselves.  “This year I’m giving up smoking,” or “This year I’m going to start and finish that book I want to write,” then about three weeks into the New Year we have already set ourselves up to fail.  We push back the date saying ‘we’ll do better’ and keep wishing and hoping that we would just hold up to what we promised ourselves.

We then forget all about what we had asked for and when we look back on our New Year’s resolution we feel as if we have failed.  Well, it doesn’t have to be like this at all.  When making a New Year’s resolution, it is always how you perceive what you want to do whether it will get done. And the Law of Attraction can help you out.

We all know the Law of Attraction and positive thinking takes a full change of mindset from within.  When you find out that whatever you put out into the Universe comes back to you in some form, you begin to restructure your feelings and thoughts based on what you decide you want your life to be.  It isn’t always an easy task to change a repetitive thought pattern but it is well worth it when you find your life easing up and find a grateful flow of abundance in all areas of your life.

Let’s think about the word ‘resolution’ for a moment.  Resolution means to be determined in making something happen.  Now we know that words alone aren’t what propel the Law of Attraction into action.  It is the thought and the feeling of what we want that initiates what we desire in our lives and it is the feeling; the emotion of how you feel about a certain focus that brings you what you focus on.

Hearing the word resolution brings to mind that you are going to make something happen come hell or high water.  By taking on the feeling of resolution it sounds as if we are ready for a fight.  It’s going to happen no matter what, and that feeling is one of resistance.  And you know what that will bring: more resistance.

Each New Year’s Eve we have a meeting of the minds.  We get together with everyone who is a part of our life; those who support and encourage all of our ideas. And we do the same for them.  It doesn’t matter if you have anyone to help support you, though.  You and you alone can create the New Year as you want it.

We then write down and talk about what our dreams and life inspirations are.  We each take a turn in creating the reality we want without resistance.  So for those two hours together we imagine ‘as if’ life is just as we want it with all of the ideas and concepts we envision for the next year.  Maybe you want to quit smoking. If you were at our New Year’s Eve meeting of the minds you would visualize what it must be like to feel smoke free.  You’d breathe easier and enjoy life without something that you thought you needed.  You would live in the moment of what it must be like.

Everyone around you would encourage and support your new end result and live through your eyes as you describe your day without smoking.  Instead of feeling as if it is going to be an uphill battle you put out the vibration of how it feels to have already gotten what you wanted.  This is the Law of Attraction’s way of seeing a New Year’s resolution.

Maybe you vow you are going to make more money this year and then wonder how you’re going to do it.  The doubt sets in and you become frustrated, wondering if that kind of New Year’s resolution is going to happen.  All of the thoughts and feelings that come along with what you envision become a part of what you send out to the Universe and that is what will come back into your life.  The Law of Attraction New Year’s way is to envision what you will be doing next year with a full bank account and all the joy that comes along with that.

Take a moment to imagine a day full of exactly what you want in your new year.  See it, feel it, and see it ‘in the now’ of the day.  Every day after making your New Year’s wish take some time to imagine ‘in the now’ of having it all and then let it go to the Universe without any more energy spent on how, when, or where.  The Universe figures out all that for you.  You just envision and stick to your focus and the Universe takes care of the rest because of your constant positive focus on the desires of your life.

So make a New Year’s resolution the LOA way and watch your New Year unfold exactly how you envisioned it.  And Happy New Year!



Replacing Thought Habits with a New State of Mind

Just because it happened before doesn’t mean it will happen again.  YOU have the power to change it.

We can sometimes be under the impression that the situations that seem to keep coming back in life time and time again are there to stay but really…they’re not.

A repetitive cycle that keeps showing its face will go away once you face it.  Let’s say your repetitive cycle is about money.  You have moments where you have some but then you hit a cycle where nothing seems to be working.  All your money heads out the door and you get the feeling of déjà vu as if you have experienced this moment before.  You wonder if it will ever go away.

When you begin to use the Law of Attraction some of those cycles still come back usually because you haven’t dealt with the true lesson within the cycle.  And sometimes we do everything we can to get beyond a situation to go back to the same exact thinking we had.  Changing this cycle starts within you.  Remember any cycle is just like a habit.  It is a repetitive mental pattern that you have programmed from your own perceptions and beliefs and when you change the pattern and you make an effort to continue to change it you will see a big difference in your life.

Start by getting yourself a pad of paper and think about the cycle that keeps coming into your life.  Write down all your thoughts and feelings you may have on the subject.  As you write them down think on what thoughts in this cycle have become repetitive in your own mind.  For example:  Let’s say you have a repetitive thought pattern about money.  You’re always concerned you’ll never have enough, you constantly worry about the lack of money you have, and when money comes, you worry that it is already spent on things you wish you didn’t have to spend it on.  Each time money comes to your doorstep you worry that you won’t ever have any more.  When you go to the grocery store you are worried about how much prices have gone up and…lack, lack, lack.  This repetitive thought process is going to bring you more of the same.  The thought process is just a habit within your subconscious mind.  You have thought it and lived it enough that your subconscious has now picked it up as a mental habit and runs the loop through your mind each time you have a dime to your name.  Okay…now you can see where your thinking can create this particular reality.  This goes for anything in your life whether it be relationship to career the repetitive pattern becomes a habit.  Now that you have written down the cycle find yourself a complete opposite of the habitual thought.  As you begin to write down the positive statements of money really get into it.  Write down what you want to belief about money.  Write down how you wish it was.  Write down what you would do with the money if you could use it for what you wanted and not for bills.  Imagine you have that money to spend on anything you like and go on the internet and see what you would spend it on.  Create a new repetitive thought pattern for yourself.  Begin to memorize your new thoughts of what you want and when you find yourself going down the slippery slope of lack, stop, and replace those negative habits with the new affirmation you have created.  Get into the genuine thought of abundance.  Everyone can have it!  Everyone…you are no different than the rich guy on the corner.  So what if he has the education behind it.  There are many rich intelligent people out there who don’t have a college education.  That isn’t what is going to change your money mind.  What is going to change your mind and beliefs…is you.

As you begin to embrace the thoughts and joys of being prosperous you will find it coming into your life.  You will have created a new habit of mental thought for your subconscious and that mental loop will be your new life and the cycle that you used to dread will disappear from your life for good.


Be the Example in your Child’s Life

Every parent wants their child to grow up to enjoy life and be successful.  Each and every one of us has something in our past that we don’t want our children to experience as they get older.  We protect them and nurture them hoping they will never experience hurt yet as they get older they come across their own struggles and we some how feel as if we have failed them.

“We should have seen that one coming” and we do everything we can to keep them from making our mistakes that we have made.  You noticed in that last sentence we put ‘making OUR mistakes’.  Your children are not you.  They are incredible little beings that choose you to experience life WITH.  They are not little ‘mini me’s’ that will make the same mistakes we have or learn the way we learn from our own experiences unless they have learned the offending behavior from you by example.

It’s important when we teach our children ‘how to be’ that we don’t encroach upon their own creativity in creating their life.  They learn from their surroundings and may perceive things in the way you do but most likely, even if you experience the same experience, perceive it differently. They may have the same fabric that you have within you but their experiences aren’t an exact replica of you.  They go off to school, have experiences that they only tell you about, and perceive that experience through their own thoughts and feelings mixed in with family behavioral patterns.  This is where you can make a difference.  Be an example.

Teach your child how to live life by being the person you would want them

to be.  Kindness to others, helping others, loving yourself, no judgments about other people, no gossip, and everything coming from love not fear.  As you learn this in your own self and apply it your child won’t need you to speak a word.

They will learn from your actions. If little Joannie doesn’t want to share with another child show them how to share.  Direct them in a direction of how you would want to be treated.  Show by example.  If your little one has shown behavior of not wanting to share next time you have a wonderful little treat show them what it is to share something you love and explain to them the feeling so they don’t dismiss it.  Next time they won’t share bring the sharing of your treat up and tell them to remember the feeling of giving and sharing.  Eventually they will learn.

Don’t you let others walk all over you and give no time to yourself?  Your child sees this and may repeat it as he/she gets older.  Treat others as you want to be treated because there is a very impressionable child learning behaviors from you.  Be the example of what you want your child to be through your own positive thoughts and feelings.  It is the best thing you can do for your child and yourself to ensuring a child of feeling accepted and loved as they get older.




Where Happiness Is…

You can be steadfast and strong with your own inner thoughts and feelings of unbound joy. The renewal of life can happen every moment and your own thoughts and feelings can reflect this wonderful feeling. Take a look at the world around you and all it has to offer. When you begin to shift your focus to seeing the good in your world and the good within you, your perspective will begin to change. And once your perspective changes get ready for all the things that you have wanted to come into your life.

It isn’t just about getting the new house or the new car, it is about being happy. As the old adage says, “In order to find happiness, look within.” You not going to find happiness in a new house. Sure the house will be nice and have all the things that you desire but it is only a temporary happiness. There will always be something else you may look to that you think will then make you happy. The material things seem to feel as if they fill the void but only for a short time and that search to get rid of the emptiness inside
comes back. It isn’t going to be found in a pair of wheels.

Where happiness begins, is within you. So you may ask, “Well…how do I get happy when I have nothing to be happy about?” Start to look for things you appreciate that you already have. Be looking within yourself and find out why you don’t feel happy. It isn’t just because you don’t have the next material thing, it is usually because you may not be feeling balanced in your own life. Maybe you just want something to distract you from looking at the real reason of happiness. Maybe you are so unhappy with others’ opinions about you. Realize you can change all of it. You can. But it begins within you.

Happiness is not something you have to chase because it lies right within you. Shift your own perspectives and find what is good in your life now. Begin to live as if Spring is here all the time. Enjoy all the new growth that is happening within you even if it comes in the shape of a negative experience. You can change how it comes to you. Growth within doesn’t have to come from struggle. It can happen with ease. Find the positive in everything that comes your way. If you have an experience that seems less than positive, make it your mission to find the positive within and if you can’t…then let the situation go. This is how you begin to see what is truly good in your life when you shift your perspective to finding the positive and enjoying the process of getting to what it is that you are envisioning.

Don’t wait to be happy. Be happy now and enjoy whatever life brings to you and when you just live happiness the Law of Attraction will make sure to live happiness for as long as you want.


LOA and the Signs

You’re driving along and as you tap your fingers to the beat of the radio you happen to notice a billboard with the number 111 in the corner. “Wonder what it is doing there?” you think to yourself but you soon forget about the crazy out of place number as you pull in to the parking lot of your local convenience store. You’ve decided to take a nice long walk in the park and you go to pick up a water and a snack. “Here’s your change. $1.11. What are the chances of that?” the cashier says nonchalantly. You begin to take notice. One, one, one again. What does that mean? As you get in the car with your energy bar and water you look at the time on the car clock. It is exactly 1:11 pm. Now you are really beginning to feel weird. Why all the ones? What is the Universe trying to tell you? What does that number mean?

Isn’t it strange when this happens with any number? We have this happen all the time and we don’t always know what the exact number means but what we do know is the Universe is giving you a wink and a nod. Maybe to let you know it hears what you have been asking for or maybe you are thinking of a new project and the Universe is saying, YES! Possibly letting you know that you really will be okay through the life struggle you may be having.

But the question is…do certain numbers actually mean something?

They can be a personal sign to you or a universal conscious sign. Many people experience the number 11:11 and you’ll find many explanations all over the internet with this number. We’ve come to the conclusion that 11:11 is a universal new consciousness shift and when you experience seeing it over and over again, you have become a part of that shift.

Certain numbers can mean something specific to you. Maybe someone’s birthday or a date that something significant had happened. Do your best to figure out what is connected to this number for you. The Universe doesn’t give you bad omen numbers. Numbers that are repetitious are usually the Universe asking you to take notice.

Now what about those numbers that you just can’t seem to figure out?

Here’s our suggestion. Run down to the library or your local bookstore and find a number sign book. There are many of these and it doesn’t really matter which one you pick up. Just find what that seems like it is something you would read. Find the number you have been seeing and look at what meaning it says. When you have found the meaning, think if it ‘feels’ right to you and remember the meaning. Now that it is in your own consciousness, that number will now mean what you have seen in the book. And the Universe will use that number to make you aware of what the meaning was.

Every number you see isn’t a sign, only the numbers that seem to repeat themselves and stick out in your mind. By making a connection with something that tells you about that number it will now become a part of your own consciousness and you will have solved your number sign.

When applying the Law of Attraction to your life you can ask for signs from the Universe to help guide you and encourage you and they will appear.

Make yourself aware of what is going on underneath the surface of a repetitious sign. The Universe is giving you a wink and a nod to pay attention to what it is telling you.


LA Cover

It’s here!  The new LOA and positive thought book:  Life’s Answer:  Creating your World through Positive Thought.  Pick up a copy when you get the chance at the web site or on Amazon.

This book has the answers you need to change your life! 🙂

Here’s the link to the book at the web site: Life’s Answer book
